PT. Posanindo Surya Internasional

product knowledge is the key

We do not over-promise. We never claimed that we have the experience to carry all products. We do know, though, that each product has its own characteristics, which determines how the product should be properly handled. Thus, we promise that we learn each product requirement carefully and attend to every single detail in order for your product to arrive safely at destination.

Carried Product

First, we learn about the product. Then, we carry



Yarn cannot be used when it is soaked or damped and hence, container selection is critical to avoid leakages. Yarn also requires specific import license in certain countries such as Brazil.

Our Carried Product

Vegetable Fat

Vegetable fat melts easily and hence, the container must be stored under deck and away from the boiler to avoid exposure from heat sources.

Our Carried Product

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil freezes at temperature below 25°C and requires heating upon destination.

Our Carried Product

Coconut Sugar

To avoid contamination to coconut sugar, container needs to be completely free from odor and rust.

Our Carried Product

Desiccated Coconut

A container’s physical condition must ensure that desiccated coconut is kept dry.

Our Carried Product

Cacao Powder

Similar to desiccated coconut, cacao powder must be kept in dry condition.

Our Carried Product


Heavy-duty container is required to carry rubber due to its weight.

Our Carried Product

Steel and Tin

Export of steel and tin needs specific licenses and surveyor reports.

Our Carried Product

Plastic Container

Plastic container requires relatively low maintenance but still, proper stacking of the product will ensure it arrives at optimum condition.


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Ship Whenever You Are Ready